Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lighting Your Home

Are you in the market for a new light fixture or lamp? Here at Vineland Antiques we have a fantastic selection of vintage fixtures and lamps.

Oh sure, you can go your your local lighting store and get what everyone else already has, but why not choose something from a few generations back and get something unique, that will set your home apart from the mundane!

Here at Vineland Antiques we have something for every room in your life!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Are You Looking For Jewelry?

Vineland Antiques has an incredible, and beautiful selection of vintage jewelry, with pieces that will appeal to a variety of different tastes. Vintage jewelry is very much in style today, and if you're in the market, please come and check out what we have to offer.

Remember, we have something for ever room in your life, and in the case of this beautiful jewelry, every occasion in your life, too!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Clean Those Boots!

One of the things you'll notice when you Enter, Vineland Antiques, is the amazing variety of items to be found here. To be honest, it can be a little overwhelming. One of the cool items you might not notice (let's be honest, it's easy to miss things) is this amazing Boot Scraper:

Made by Taylor-Forbes Limited of Canada, circa 1920, this beautiful piece was never used. It's a fine example of the craftsmanship of days gone by. They were embedded into the front step outside the home so one could scrape the mud from the streets, or the field, off of one's shoes or boots before entering the home.

A piece of advice. Take your time as your stroll through the shop. Susan, Peggy, and the other fine folks who display items for sale here, are friendly and knowledgeable, and they're happy for you to take all the time you need as you make your way through the store.

Here you will find something for every room in your life!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Greetings from Vineland Antiques. At the shop we have a tremendous selection of glassware of all sorts. In the days to come, we will highlight individual pieces, but for today here is one of our displays for your perusal!

Don't forget, we have something for every room in your life, come and visit!